Participation to Congress

Participation to Congress

Participation to Congress

Participation as a listener

Those who want to participate as a listener to the Turkish Physical Society 39th International Physics Congress should first register from the link below:

After registration, you can make your application from the relevant page.

Participation with presentation

Those who want to participate with a presentation to the Turkish Physical Society 39th International Physics Congress should first register from the link below:

Then abstracts using the online system should be uploaded to this site. Abstracts sent via e-mail are not accepted.


Note: An abstract must be uploaded to the system only by the person who will present the abstract. 

Abstracts submitted to the Turkish Physical Society 39th International Physics Congress will be considered by the Referee Committee of TPS39.


Since abstracts will be uploaded online, there is no abstract template available. (The text in your abstract can be added to a maximum of 1000 characters.)

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long in total, the last three minutes of which will be spared for questions and discussions. The presentations will be held in 11 halls which are divided according to the subjects presented in the program.

For poster presentations, a vertical area of 100 cm and a horizontal 70 cm will be provided.