Acta Physica Polonica A

Acta Physica Polonica A


Acta Physica Polonica A


(Science Citation Index Expanded)


impact factor:  0.545


  • This journal can be browsed in Web of Science etc. search engines and can be used in Academic Promotion and Assignment and Promotion Criteria.
  • Our participants can submit their works relevant to their presentations to this journal by themselves.
  • As Turkish Physical Society, we have exchanged correspondence with the Journal Editor many times about genuine and high scientific quality papers which you, our valuable participants, will send.
  • We have come to terms with the editor of the journal that there can be some papers send by you.
  • But, there will be no contribution from Turkish Physical Society to the phases of sending papers to the journal, choosing referees, assessment process and finalization. Assessments will be done by the editor of the journal.
  • Plagiarism Rule: We would like to give notice to you, our valuable participants that the papers must put into similarity programs, it is strictly forbidden to copying / quotation and it is necessary to use an acceptable English level.